Saturday, August 21, 2010

The new webpage is up!!!

I have completed about 98% of the new webpage over the past little while, its still missing a few things I would rather photos with, and a few links , but other than that it is up and I am very happy with the page so far.

I am hoping that this will help guide people interested in creating their own wrap carriers, providing them with good information. I know there are other sites out there that do the same, but I think knowledge is power, and the more people sharing that knowledge the better!

Also, I am still going to provide a page that will direct visitors to purchase a carrier from other WAHM's. If you are a WAHM who makes baby carriers and you would like to link off my webpage (doesnt have to be just wraps, it can be anything), lemmie know and I will be happy to add you.

Happy Babywearing!!!

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